Monday, March 29, 2010

Vandana's blog: Vandana's blog: How to install Cumulative update or Hotfix on SharePoint Server:-

Vandana's blog: Vandana's blog: How to install Cumulative update or Hotfix on SharePoint Server:-

The Immediate Alerts Job is keep hanging even after restarting the Timer Services

"The Immediate Alerts Job is keep hanging even after restarting the Timer Services. "

So Guys, we can flush out the Timer Cache --> this will flush out the bad entry in the event cache table.
Below are the steps to flush out the Timer Cache and regenerate it again

1. Stop the OWSTIMER service on ALL of the MOSS servers in the farm.

2. On the Index server, navigate to:

Server 2003 location: Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\GUID and delete all the XML files from the directory. Server 2008 location: Drive:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\GUID and delete all the XML files from the directory.

3. Delete all the XML file in the directory.


4. Open the cache.ini with Notepad and reset the number to 1. Save and close the file.

5. Start the OWSTIMER service on the Index server and wait for XML files to begin to reappear in the directory.

6. After you see XML files appearing on the Index server, repeat steps 2, 3 & 4 on each query server, waiting for XML files to appear before moving to subsequent servers.

7. After all of the query servers have all been cleared and new .xml files have been generated, proceed to the WFE and Application servers in the farm, following steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 for each remaining server.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Vandana's blog

Vandana's blog

Vandana's blog: How to install Cumulative update or Hotfix on SharePoint Server:-

Vandana's blog: How to install Cumulative update or Hotfix on SharePoint Server:-

How to install Cumulative update or Hotfix on SharePoint Server:-

SharePoint Server Cumulative :_
Prep your Farm for the Upgrade
Pre-requsite Steps for installing SharePoint Cummulative Updates
Make sure SharePoint version is sp2 or sp1 (atleast)
Backup SharePoint Farm
Quiesce farm the SharePoint Farm from Central Admin --> Operations - Quiesce farm Stop the world wide web Publishing service from services.msc
Package Installation
Run update packages on servers in the Farm in following order :-
(A) Web Application Server – Excel Services, SSRS, BDC – Services Server
(B) Index Server
Repeat both packages Install on all servers in the farm in the order specified above.
WSS Package
Run the following package - A Reboot is required (be prepared as Microsoft is not correct on Reboot)
MOSS Package
Run the following package - A Reboot is required (be prepared)

Run the SharePoint Product & Services Technology - psconfig (Wizard) on all the SharePoint Servers in following order
1. WFE which host the Central Admin
2. SharePoint Application Services Server
3. SharePoint Index Server
4. Other WFE's
Central Admin --> Operations – Stop Quiesce farm
Check the version of the SharePoint Server from Operations Tab
Central Admin - Operations - Servers in the Farm
Farm Information will list the version as -
Version on each server in the Farm - will be displayed next to Servers name