Thursday, February 13, 2014

What to do with a Large SharePoint Content Database

hmmm... Wondering  what to do with  the content database size that has already exceeded supported size limit (200 GB) and you want to create a new site collection. There are multiple choices available, you can give it a shot:-

Choice#1 :

  • Shrinking the data base in SQL server, it may have a lot of unoccupied space.

Run sp_filestream_force_garbage_collection (Transact-SQL) to force the garbage collector to delete any files that are no longer needed in File streaming container.

Move existing site collection to other database and this will reduce size.

Run below command to get the site info along with content database sizes :-
stsadm -o enumsites -url http://sitecollectionURL >> d:\siteinfo.xml


To create the list of all site collection in that Content database then use this,
Get-SPSite -ContentDatabase "WSS_Content_"| foreach($site in $_.sites)

Now from the Site info file created in d drive you can identify the site collection that you
want to move to a separate database.

Move-SPSite <http://ServerName/Sites/SiteName> -DestinationDatabase

  • is the name of the destination content database.

Stsadm -o mergecontentdbs -url -sourcedatabasename -destinationdatabasename -operation 3 -filename

Choice#4  Keep the old large databases as it is and create new site collections in a separate database:-
stsadm -o createsiteinnewdb -url  http://sitecollectionURL 
                                          -ownerlogin domain\username 
                                          -owneremail emailid     
                                          -lcid 1033 
                                          -sitetemplate STS#0  
                                          -title sitecollectiontitle 
                                          -description sitecollectiondescription
                                          -databasename DBname

Note: We cannot split a site collection  into  multiple databases.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Powershell script to Install SharePoint 2013

Ohhhhh Yessssss! I am back ....don't ask me after how long I am active on this SharePoint blog (sigh :(  its been almost 3 yrs... )....and the reason for this about - turn is my new year resolution (a deep secret, wouldn't tell you now ;) )... Yes , I am happy that I have straightened my back to continue with my skills and to catch up with the world. So here is my Powershell script that I used to successfully install SharePoint 2013 in POC environment:-

This script can be safely used to create a brand new SharePoint farm:-

PS C:\Users\ Spadmin > Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -EA 0 

# Settings
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin  >$databaseServer = " "
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin  >$configDatabase = " "
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin >$adminContentDB = ""
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin  >$passphrase = " "
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin  >$farmAccountName = " "
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin >$farmAccount = Get-Credential $ S_SP2013_Dev_FARM
PS C:\Users\ Spadmin  >$passphrase = (ConvertTo-SecureString $passphrase -AsPlainText -force)

PS C:\Users\Spadmin > New-SPConfigurationDatabase -DatabaseServer $databaseServer -DatabaseName $configDatabase -AdministrationContentDatabaseName $adminContentDB  -Passphrase $passphrase -FarmCredentials $farmAccount

Please run the below command in SQL management studio to set the MAXDOP to 1 for parallel queries before creating a SharePoint farm:-
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;

EXEC sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism', 1;

EXEC sp_configure;

So, Apply the above recipe to create your very own SharePoint farm, and do let me know if this post was helpful.

Signing off..

Take care!!!!!!!!